Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Read Through

Salutations friends.

The following is all of Dondi's posts from his deviantART page from the past two years. To read, start with the first post beneath this, which was the first of his journal entries and continue through to the end. Anyone who knows Dondi should know this is going to be a prolific read. From the moment he knew, he wanted to document and bring us along on his journey, and he definitely does so here.

It is long, the following pages of material that he produced, and challenging for anyone and everyone near and dear to him. Between the somber posts of his struggles, however, is the pure and golden soul that we all know and love. I hope you take the time to follow his posts and relive the challenging journey he had up to the very end.

To Dondi, wherever you are, rest in peace my friend. May the stars guide your next journey.

(If you'd like to follow from his deviant page, click here.)

Small Notation


I've not much to say in this particular journal...for about a month now, I've been feeling "off" physically.

It's definitely time for another trip to the doctor.

Again, this is just a short update of such.  I do hope that all of you are well, and I'll update with more later on.  Take care.


Brief Break


I will be taking a brief break from things.  I may still be around, slowly and steadily, but it won't be until the weekend that I may be fully "active" as I often am.  I wish you all the best!


Doc Tour


In regards to my previous journals, I'll explain a little of what's going on.

Ever since the end of June, I've been having stomach issues.  It got to where, after various events, I finally got to see a doctor.  They did some tests, didn't fully find out what was wrong, but they did put me on meds that really helped.  Sadly, they only helped for the time that I was taking them.

This week, I went back and got checked out and was given a few more options.  I went to the hospital again, however, and finally got some other treatment and a possible that will have to be confirmed once I see a "specialist" on the 16th.  Currently, I'm feeling pretty fine.  I'm on medication, I'll see another doctor soon, and I'll finally get definite answers to my problems.

My apologies if this isn't too specific for some of you.  In honesty, I don't feel comfortable sharing all of the details with what's going on.  Nevertheless, I thank you all for your caring and sharing.  Keep on keepin' on, and I'll make sure to do my best to do the very same!


Still Doc Touring


I've not too much to report at the moment.  I did my bit of an exam today at the doctor (or had it done to me, to better say).  I go back next  Tuesday to finally get an assessment on things.  Until then, I'll continue my meds and just take it easy for a bit.

My thanks to those who took the time to stop by and wish me well.  Considering how I've been feeling as of late, it's nice to see so many by my side.

Take care, everyone, and I wish you all the very best!


Knowledge of Signal Patterns


After having read the journal of :iconfunkyalien:, I thought I'd give this personality quiz a try.  This isn't some sort of "tagging" meme or anything; I was just curious and, given the time of this particular post, wanted to do something for a bit.

My results:


You are willing to take the time to find out what's going on with other people, especially if they're in distress. You're a good listener, you don't criticize, and you offer unbiased, respectful, honest advice when it's requested. With a high score on the "understanding" trait, it is likely that you are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.

You don't feel the need to impose your standards on others or say things that, even though true, cause pain.


You have a knack for knowing what's going on in the hearts and minds of those around you, without their having to tell you explicitly. People tend to turn to you with their problems because they know you care, and that you will likely offer good advice and a helping hand.

You do not feel that people with sad stories are just looking for attention, or have brought their problems upon themselves.


You like to get to the bottom of things. You're not content knowing what someone did; you want to know why they did it.

You don't simply take things as they are and move on; you're not content skimming along on the surface; you don't feel you're wasting time by digging for the meaning of things.


You have a genuine interest in other people. You're a natural host, and are always thinking about how you can increase the happiness of those around you. When friends have problems or are in trouble, you're usually the first person they turn to for aid and comfort. Scoring high on the "warm" trait suggests that you are among those who enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.

You don't always say exactly what you're thinking; you don't like the idea of causing anyone pain because of your criticism.


You are in touch with your own feelings, which helps put you in touch with the feelings of others.

You don't buy the logic that your happiness comes ahead of everyone else's because unless you're happy you're incapable of making anyone else happy.


You rarely become irritated, generally accept people as they are, take things as they come, and feel relaxed in most situations.

You do not let a minor annoyance escalate to a confrontation. You don't regularly snap at those around you or fly off the handle with little provocation.


You appreciate art, beauty, and design; you know that they are not superficial but absolutely crucial to living the good life. You have good taste, and you're proud of it. Those with a high score on the "aesthetic" trait are often employed in literary or artistic professions, enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about the arts, reading, and travel.

You don't think it's pretentious to be moved by art and beauty. You're not one of those who believe it doesn't matter what something looks like as long as it does its job.


You are constantly coming up with new ideas. For you, the world as it exists is just a jumping-off place; what's going on inside your mind is often more interesting than what's going on outside.

You don't feel that the road to success is to be a realist and stick to the program; you never stop yourself from coming up with new ideas or telling the world what you're thinking about.


You enjoy being around others and others enjoy being around you. You have a "live and let live" attitude; because you know that no one's perfect, you are forgiving and happy to give the benefit of the doubt.

You don't feel the need to be controversial or express contrary opinions all the time. You see no reason to go around rubbing people the wrong way.


You like your own company; you're a very interesting person. Tracking your own mental processes, knowing what you're thinking and why you do what you do, is important to you. Often, what's going on in your mind is more compelling than what's going on outside. For the most part, those with a high score on the "introspective" trait enjoy reading, taking long walks, learning new things, and other solitary activities.

You are not someone who is constantly looking to be among a group of friends; you never feel bored when you are by yourself.

I found this to be a pretty interesting view into things.  For anyone interested, here's the link again:

Signal Patterns

Thank you for giving this a view, and I hope that some of you give this test a try as well.


More Medical Details


I'm tired...that's the main thing right now.  I don't feel like explaining things but, at this point, I don't want to leave things in the dark for too much longer.

Here are a few words you should research:

Foley Catheter

I'll probably explain more later but, for now...I'm just tired.  In good spirits, but tired.

Take care all.




I've been in the hospital for over a week now...typing this from bedside laptop even (very slowly).  Lower Pelvic Mass was found in me...very rare thing, they say, this mass.  Treatable, luckily, buy has been here for a while now.

Still strong in spirit, but still tired.  I don't need any "PayPal Assist" or anything (though, it is the AOL address on my front page), but I do ask that you keep me in mind and such.

Take care all, and I'll see you again when I'm able.


Extra Hospital Info

Hi all.

I'm from the hospital bed again, but feeling better now than before.  I've still tests and such to have run on me.  Transfers and such are in the works, so all I can really do now is wait and see how things play out.

The "Lower Pelvic Mass" has a bit more of a classification now:


I've not replied to everything I've seen but, especially on my front page and journal, I am thankful to you all for the encouraging words and well wishes.  I'll reply, in due time, but I want you all to know that I love you and I thank you.  This definitely helps to keep my spirit strong.

I'm off to rest some more now, and I'll update again once the chance comes my way.  Take care everyone!


Some More Hospital Info


I'm at a new hospital now.  Here, things should start in treatment and such.  Might be some chemo and whatnot as well.

Morphine has helped some, as well as all of the love and support you all show.  I may not have the energy to reply, but I've peeked at comments and such.

Thank you for all of the well wishes.  Body's tired, but spirit's strong!


Therapeutic Hospital Chemicals


So, for those keeping tabs, this is the official title:

Desmoplastic Small-Round Cell Sarcoma

From here, the chemo starts...and I already got a haircut a month or two ago.  Eh, nothing wrong with the bald look (if that side effect happens), and it'll grow back.  I'll just be happy to get past this.

Again, I love you all and thank you for the support.  Through pains, restlessness, aggravation, and weaknesses, strength and happiness have been with me too, as well as encouragement and spirit.  I'm smiling now, awaiting what all will happen soon.

Keep me in mind, and take care!


Still Going Strong!


I am finally back home!

The process in getting rid of this particular cancer will make for quite a trip.  I've already done the first stage of chemo therapy and I'll soon go in for another dosage of it later on.  My diet's changed some, for the sake of the eventual surgery, and I'm on meds to help me fight through all of this.

And, for the sake of mentioning it, I still have a catheter in me.  I'll be around, yes, and I'll reply more and be as active as I can, but I do want to inform that trying to sit and type with a catheter is aggravating unless you position yourself in just the right way.

So, yes, my spirit is still up.  I'm thankful for all of the love and care that everyone sends to me.  I don't need any PayPal donations or "special drives" or anything, but I do ask that you all keep me in mind during a lot of this.  The help that you all gave me, and continue to give me, definitely makes all of this much more manageable.


Thank you all, so very much, for your love, support, patience, care, and for all that you give my way.  I appreciate it more than you may know!




I'm still here, resting here and there, and mostly in my bed.  I exercise when I'm able, of course, but getting up to use the PC has become a bit of a chore.

Yes, I'll still be around but, for the most part, I'm going to rest some while I have the chance.  Do take care, keep in touch, and thank you all again for the love and wishes.  They mean so much to me!



More Therapeutic Hospital Chemicals

Hi all!

Y'know, these things called "laptops" aren't too bad.  I'm using my cousin's a bit, and it's pretty helpful.  I'm not up and about to where I'm using it too often (still resting and doing what exercise I can).  I can at least check online stuff easier and make a journal like this without having to use "strategical methods" at my PC.

Anyway, round two of chemo therapy is going to take place this weekend.  I'll be back at the hospital and getting the medicine I need until next week.  Hopefully, I'll be home again sometime next week; for now, I head out on Thursday, October 6, 2011.

Thank you again for the lovely notes, comments, and well wishes.  I truly wish that I could let you all know just how greatly it means to me.  Even as I rest and do what I'm able, know well that I love you all and thank you greatly for everything!

Take care!

Chemo Pause


As an update, I'm back at home now.  I did go to the hospital but, after checking my blood, they found that my white blood cells were too low.  I'm being given shots to help them get back to normal.  Due to this, I won't go back to the hospital for Chemo Therapy until about October 20th.  By then, my count will hopefully be back up to where I can get the chemo.

Thank you all again for the concern, the love, and the well wishes.  Other than a few PS3 visits (Dead Nation, Little Big Planet, Street Fighter III Online, and Warriors Orochi 2), I've not been up to too much.  I'm often always tired these days...strong in spirit, but tired.  I'll continue resting up and will keep in contact how I'm able.

I wish everyone the very best!  Take care!


Long Cath Weekend


This is something I wanted to make sure that I didn't forget, hence the journal.  I mean, I doubt that I'll forget anytime soon, but I want to keep dates and such in check.

So, on Saturday, October 15, 2011, at around 8:00 P.M., I started having catheter problems.  Long story short, nothing is supposed to be coming from around your catheter, nor should you really feel the urge to pee too much with one in.  We went to the hospital to get one replaced before, after it not working, heading to my main doctors (the ones from whom I get my chemo).  After two more catheter tries, they had a final solution to use a camera to make sure it was going in properly.  So, yeah, 4th time was the charm...not that anyone should have to get 4 catheters in one day, but you know what I mean.  I arrived home at about 6:00 P.M., Sunday, October 16, 2011, got washed up, and got into the bed.

Things are fine now, even though I must now adjust a bit to this new catheter they have in me.  It's not really a new model so much as the configuration is a little different.  But, yes, I'm fine, always happy in spirit, and thankful that they got to see what the problem was and were able to fix it.

As a side note, Lidocaine Gel is very helpful in catheter situations!

Anyway, that's it for now.  I'll update again later on, and I thank you all still for the love and support.  My spirits remain high, and you all help to keep it there!


Round Two Resting


Well, round two is over now.  I actually went to the doctor earlier than scheduled due to the swelling of my right arm.  As it turns out, the lines I had in there for blood drawing caused a blood clot to form.  So, along with chemo therapy, I had to get blood thinners to make sure that the clot didn't spread.

For now, I'm back home.  Chemo's done for now, a new month is here, and I'm getting two shots a day due to the whole blood clot situation.

I wish you all well, and I thank you for taking the time to give me such love and wishes as well.  May the best be with you all!


Round Three Triumph

Hey all!

I've just finished the third round of my chemo therapy today.  It was a repeat of the first round, so it wasn't so bad as I knew what to expect.  Beyond a bad case of the hiccups during the two day process, everything went very well.

I can now relax a bit, not having to go anywhere until the start of December.  Beyond actually getting this thing out of me, I've no idea what I want for my birthday (the 16th of December) or for Christmas.  All in all, though, I'm greatly happy for those supporting me and showing me so much love.  That definitely goes a long way for me!

A'ight, I shall go for now.  I wish everyone the very best and I hope to hear from you all very soon.  Take care!


Final Round Awaiting


As always, I thank all of you for the love, support, and strength that you give to me.  I want to say that first since so many of you help to make me who I am today.

From the doctor's visit, I'm doing very well.  I start my final round of chemo therapy this coming Monday, December 5th.  It will last for 5 days and I should be done by that 9th and then I can go home on the 10th.  After that, I will go back to get scanned so they can see how much the sarcoma shrank.  Once they do that, I'll find out when any surgery has to be done.

Heheh, I may even be home on my birthday (the 16th).  That would be nice.


Added to that, I no longer have to take shots for blood clots.  Instead, I take pills for it (which sound better than a shot, for sure).  The drawback is that I have to watch my intake of Vitamin K.  Being a blood thinner, the last thing I need is excess bleeding and whatnot.  Leafy greens are an example of what to watch, and mayonnaise is another.  Still, pills sound better than constant shots, so I'll see how it all works.

Again, thank you for the love and the support, everyone.  I wish you all my best, and I hope that everyone has a lovely season ahead of them!


All Rounds Routed


Greetings all.  I finished my final round of chemo therapy yesterday, December 10th.  I'm now back home and, from the looks of things, will be here for my birthday (the 16th) and for Christmas.  After this, I just have to get scanned to see what all the therapy did.  After that, I'll know more about what is to be done about what's inside of me.

I feel pretty good, I admit.  Tired, of course, but good.  I got in yesterday, slept well, and I thought I'd give a bit of an update on things.  I've not too much else to report for now, but I thank you all for the love and support still that you show me!

May goodness be with you all this holiday!


Happy to Be Here!


In regards to my journal title, I do not speak for just the site itself; being on DA has been quite an experience over the years.

What I mean is that, given all that's taken place in my life since late June, I'm happy to still be with you all.

I wasn't actually "afraid" during this process, in spite of the tears and questions that I've had, but I did wonder once or twice as to what all I would have to endure.  I've been through a lot in handling this, both in physical body, mental progression, and emotional content.  Even some of the treatments through which I've endured were pretty trying, as helpful as they may have been.

Today, on the 16th of December, I am now 27 years aged.  I am happy to be here, and I am thankful to you all for being here with me.  Thank you all, so very much, for the strength, the support, the love...thank you all for being here for me!

Heheheh, in best or worst, it's very tough to take a smile off of my face.  Most definitely, I'm happy to be here!


More Rounds Awaiting


Well, my doctor's visit was today.  It was a long day, to say the least, but at least all of my affairs were settled.

As it turns out, the 4 rounds of chemo I took were but the first two parts of the first two rounds:

Round 1, part A
Round 2, part A
Round 1, part B
Round 2, part B

I still have to do round 3 and round 4 soon, possibly before the New Year begins.  On the one hand, I don't mind so much if it helps out (which it does).  On the other hand, I definitely prefer being home than at the doctor's at this point.

All in all, I'll do what I have to do.  I just thought I'd give a bit of an update for future reference.

My thanks to you all for the birthday wishes, gifts, and for all the goodness you sent my way.  I wish everyone the best!


Dick Dastardly Always Wins


...I just realized something.

Wacky Races is a contest to find the wackiest racer.

In spite of the traditional placing system to determine a winner, Dick Dastardly was always the main one pulling off dirty tricks and wacky stunts in order to trip up the other racers...even when he was far into first place.

This is a racer who would get far into first, stop the car, exit his vehicle, and proceed to set up a trap for the other racers coming his way.

So...wouldn't this make Dick Dastardly the "wackiest" racer?  If so, then he technically won every race he's ever ran.

Huh...the things that come to my mind at 2:55 A.M., Eastern Standard time...


Short Round Soon


I do hope that you all had a lovely holiday (or at least tolerated it, to those with bad ones).  Mine was pretty good, as I got to be home for the holidays and not in the hospital.  I didn't really get anything, but I was still happy and thankful for what I did have on my end.

As for the doctor, I found out that the Sarcoma shrank from 13 cm to about 6 cm.  I was happy to hear that, knowing that the treatments worked pretty well!  Also, for my third round of chemo, I go in on the 28th of December (tomorrow) and only have to stay for a single day.  It looks as though I'll be here for New Years too!

All in all, things are going pretty well with me.  I thank you all still for standing by me and supporting me throughout all of this.  The well wishes, the gifts, the love...I can't help but to shed a tear of joy in all of this.  Thank you all, so very much!

May the coming year be great for us all!


Short Round Over


Well, that "short round" turned out to last for 3 days and not 1.  Still, all is settled now and I'm back home!

I've not much to say for the moment, so I'll go ahead and rest up a bit more.

Do take care all, and I'll see you again soon!


Insight in Sight


Well, the year has changed and so many are now within the new.  For me, I'm looking forward to what all may (or may not) be for the year of 2012.

For one, I hope to write out a few things that I've been keeping to myself.  I also hope to finally be done with this whole cancer ordeal.  I still would like to get in better touch with friends and to get my works better known but, all in all, I'm just hoping that this year goes better than the last.

To all reading, helping, and here for me, I wish unto you all the most and the best that the year has to offer.  Here's to good things ahead!


New Year, Not Bad (So Far)

Hi there!

Well, so far, all's going pretty well with the year.  I feel good, I'm playing Final Fantasy IX for the first time, and I'm slowly regaining my appetite.

I do have another round of chemo coming up, though, and it's going to put me in the hospital for a few days.  Still, I'm confident about everything and will do what I have to do to make it.

I wish you all the best, and I thank you for all of your continued support.  I may not have much to say at times, but I value you all so very much!

Peace Out!