Monday, May 6, 2013

Resting Before New Rounds

Hello all.

Well, I got checked-up at the doctor's today.  My body seems to be pretty much back in good shape after the chemo therapy...well, in terms of my blood and immune system.  I've no idea about the cancer itself, and I probably won't know anything about that until maybe December.  For now, though, I'm set to where, on November 5th, I can start the second round of Chemo Therapy.

So, for now, all I can do is just wait and rest and see how things go in the next few weeks.  All should be well, in due time, and I now know what to expect later on.

Thank you again for sticking with me, checking on me, and keeping me in good spirits.  It's a great honor to know of so many that are by my side.

Take care.

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