Monday, May 6, 2013

Chemoed - Remembering the Feeling

Hi all.

Indeed, I've been kind of "offline" for a little while now, and there's a reason for that.

For starters, I've had some appointments to keep in regards to doctors and such.  I talked to my doctor that does the radiation therapy, and he mentioned how it'd work out best if it was done after getting chemo therapy.  I've then been resting up as much as I can (fatigue levels have increased), and I had a talk with my chemo therapy doctor on Wednesday, March 20th, 2013.  Long story short, I was told the news about the new chemo and offered a chance to start it right away.  I agreed, and things went rolling from there.

So, yeah, I had kind of forgotten just how hard chemo therapy can hit your body...but it can hit pretty dang hard, that much I now remember.  I spent a good while in my bed, resting up, and trying to focus as best as I can.  This treatment run will go once a week.  I had my therapy yesterday (as of this journal), on Wednesday, and I will get another one next Wednesday.  I feel "different" already, as this type of chemo is a bit different and stronger than the other that I had taken.

All in all, things are moving along again, and I'm doing my best to handle.  If I'm not as conversant as I used to be, it's probably because I'm trying to get some rest.  Take care, everyone, and thank you again for your support.  Knowing that you're here with me does great things for me in mind and body!

Take care.

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