Hi there.
Well, as of 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 24th, I am finally free of my Foley catheter. I even took it out myself, and it wasn't too bad.
I then went to the urologist earlier this morning and was told that, given how things are going so far, I can keep it out. He wants me to return in two weeks, though, to check on me. He also gave me a new catheter, in case I want to "self-cath." I greatly hope that I won't ever have to self-cath, but it's good to have the tools to do so, just in case.
It feels good to be able to walk around and do things normally, without having to be "hooked up" all of the time. I do hope that things continue to go well, and I'm going to make sure to keep my own stress levels in check to help maintain things (getting stressed out will only make things worse for me).
I also no longer have to take medicine for my blood (to prevent blood clots). Adding in the fact that I don't have to go to the doctor so much, and things are getting better and better. I do hope that things stay on a positive note, and I thank you all very much for sticking with me through all of my times, tough or not.
May you all be well and have a good time ahead of you.
See you later.
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