Monday, May 6, 2013

Clearing Obstacles

Hi all.

Well, today was the day that I went and got my CAT scan done.  I was also set for an MRI, but it turns out that I didn't need one at the last minute.

The happenings this time around are a bit more I'll explain the best way that I can:

The Sarcoma hasn't reacted any to the radiation.  It didn't grow anymore, but it didn't shrink either.  Due to the radiation, though, the cancer itself is pretty much dead.  Added to all of this, however, I have a sort of lesion on my liver that the found after the scan was done.  They want to take steps to see if I've any other sort of "spreads" inside of me, so a PET scan will be done eventually (possibly in two weeks) to see if I've anything else causing an issue in my body.  They'll also make sure to remove the problem so that the main focus can return to the Sarcoma.

So, for now (by my own choice of "better safe than sorry"), I still have a catheter in me.  I'm fine, for the most part, but a lot of family was worried about me and was wondering how I was taking all of this news.  Honestly, I'm not too distraught over it all.  If anything, I see it as yet another obstacle that I have to clear; I'll do my best, as I've always been doing, and we'll go from there.

And, yes, I am the current writer of *bleedman's Sugar Bits.  I've been working on that for about two years now, but I never made much of a fuss over it all.

Thank you all again for your love and support, and I hope that things are going well for you all in your own endeavors.  Take care!


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